
178 lines
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Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Data sources.
Note: python-systemd journal docs are at
import datetime
import select
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from systemd import journal
import settings
def iter_journal_messages_since(
timestamp: Union[int, float]
) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, dict]]:
Yield False and message details from the journal since *timestamp*.
This is the loading phase (loading messages that already existed
when we start).
Argument *timestamp* is a UNIX timestamp.
Only journal entries for systemd unit settings.systemd_unitname with
loglevel INFO and above are retrieved.
timestamp = float(timestamp)
sdj = journal.Reader()
for entry in sdj:
yield False, _get_msg_details(entry)
def iter_journal_messages_follow(
timestamp: Union[int, float]
) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, Optional[dict]]]:
Yield commit and message details from the journal through polling.
This is the polling phase (after we have read pre-existing messages
in the loading phase).
Argument *timestamp* is a UNIX timestamp.
Only journal entries for systemd unit settings.systemd_unitname with
loglevel INFO and above are retrieved.
*commit* (bool) tells whether it is time to store the delivery
information obtained from the messages yielded by us.
It is set to True if settings.max_delay_before_commit has elapsed.
After this delay delivery information will be written; to be exact:
the delay may increase by up to one settings.journal_poll_interval.
sdj = journal.Reader()
p = select.poll()
p.register(sdj, sdj.get_events())
last_commit = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
interval_ms = settings.journal_poll_interval * 1000
while True:
commit = False
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if last_commit + settings.max_delay_before_commit < now:
commit = True
last_commit = now
if sdj.process() == journal.APPEND:
for entry in sdj:
yield commit, _get_msg_details(entry)
elif commit:
yield commit, None
def iter_logfile_messages(
filepath: str,
year: int,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, dict]]:
Yield messages and a commit flag from a logfile.
Loop through all lines of the file with given *filepath* and
extract the time and log message. If the log message starts
with 'postfix/', then extract the syslog_identifier, pid and
message text.
Since syslog lines do not contain the year, the *year* to which
the first log line belongs must be given.
Return a commit flag and a dict with these keys:
't': timestamp
'message': message text
'identifier': syslog identifier (e.g., 'postfix/smtpd')
'pid': process id
The commit flag will be set to True for every
(commit_after_lines)-th filtered message and serves
as a signal to the caller to commit this chunk of data
to the database.
dt = None
with open(filepath, 'r') as fh:
cnt = 0
while True:
line = fh.readline()
if not line:
# get datetime
timestamp = line[:15]
dt_prev = dt
dt = _parse_logfile_timestamp(timestamp, year)
if dt is None:
continue # discard log message with invalid timestamp
# if we transgress a year boundary, then increment the year
if dt_prev and dt + datetime.timedelta(days=1) < dt_prev:
year += 1
dt = _parse_logfile_timestamp(timestamp, year)
# filter postfix messages
msg = line[21:].strip()
if 'postfix/' in msg:
cnt += 1
syslog_identifier, msg_ = msg.split('[', 1)
pid, msg__ = msg_.split(']', 1)
message = msg__[2:]
commit = cnt % commit_after_lines == 0
yield commit, {
't': dt,
'message': message,
'identifier': syslog_identifier,
'pid': pid,
def _get_msg_details(journal_entry: dict) -> dict:
Return information extracted from a journal entry object as a dict.
return {
't': journal_entry['__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP'],
'message': journal_entry['MESSAGE'],
'identifier': journal_entry.get('SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER'),
'pid': journal_entry.get('SYSLOG_PID'),
def _parse_logfile_timestamp(
timestamp: Optional[str],
year: int
) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
Parse a given syslog *timestamp* and return a datetime.
Since the timestamp does not contain the year, it is an
extra argument.
Note: Successful parsing og the month's name depends on
the locale under which this script runs.
if timestamp is None:
return None
timestamp = timestamp.replace(' ', ' ')
t1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%b %d %H:%M:%S')
t2 = t1.replace(year=year)
return t2
except Exception:
return None