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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Storage to PostgreSQL.
import datetime
import json
import re
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
from systemd import journal
import settings
from storage_setup import (
def get_latest_timestamp(curs: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) -> int:
Fetch the latest timestamp from the database.
Return the latest timestamp of a message transfer from the database.
If there are no records yet, return 0.
last = 0
"SELECT greatest(max(t_i), max(t_f)) AS last FROM delivery_from"
last1 = curs.fetchone()['last']
if last1:
last = max(
last, (last1 - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
"SELECT greatest(max(t_i), max(t_f)) AS last FROM delivery_to"
last2 = curs.fetchone()['last']
if last2:
last = max(
last, (last2 - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
return last
def delete_old_deliveries(curs: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) -> None:
Delete deliveries older than the configured number of days.
See config param *delete_deliveries_after_days*.
max_days = settings.delete_deliveries_after_days
if max_days:
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
dt = datetime.timedelta(days=max_days)
t0 = now - dt
curs.execute("DELETE FROM delivery_from WHERE t_i < %s", (t0,))
curs.execute("DELETE FROM delivery_to WHERE t_i < %s", (t0,))
curs.execute("DELETE FROM noqueue WHERE t < %s", (t0,))
def store_delivery_items(
cache: List[dict],
debug: List[str] = []
) -> None:
Store cached delivery items into the database.
Find queue_ids in *cache* and group delivery items by
them, but separately for delivery types 'from' and 'to'.
In addition, collect delivery items with queue_id is None.
After grouping we merge all items withing a group into a
single item. So we can combine several SQL queries into
a single one, which improves performance significantly.
Then store the merged items and the deliveries with
queue_id is None.
if 'all' in debug or 'sql' in debug:
print(f'Storing {len(cache)} messages.')
if not cache:
from_items, to_items, noqueue_items = _group_delivery_items(cache)
deliveries_from = _merge_delivery_items(from_items, item_type='from')
deliveries_to = _merge_delivery_items(to_items, item_type='to')
_store_deliveries(cursor, 'delivery_from', deliveries_from, debug=debug)
_store_deliveries(cursor, 'delivery_to', deliveries_to, debug=debug)
_store_deliveries(cursor, 'noqueue', noqueue_items, debug=debug)
FromItems = Dict[str, List[dict]]
ToItems = Dict[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], List[dict]]
NoqueueItems = Dict[int, dict]
def _group_delivery_items(
cache: List[dict]
) -> Tuple[FromItems, ToItems, NoqueueItems]:
Group delivery items by type and queue_id.
Return items of type 'from', of type 'to' and items without
delivery_from_items: FromItems = defaultdict(list)
delivery_to_items: ToItems = defaultdict(list)
noqueue_items: NoqueueItems = {}
noqueue_i = 1
for item in cache:
if item.get('queue_id'):
queue_id = item['queue_id']
if item.get('type') == 'from':
recipient = item.get('recipient')
delivery_to_items[(queue_id, recipient)].append(item)
noqueue_items[noqueue_i] = item
noqueue_i += 1
return delivery_from_items, delivery_to_items, noqueue_items
def _merge_delivery_items(
delivery_items: Union[FromItems, ToItems],
item_type: str = 'from',
) -> Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, Optional[str]]], dict]:
Compute deliveries by combining multiple delivery items.
Take lists of delivery items for each queue_id (in case
of item_type=='from') or for (queue_id, recipient)-pairs
(in case of item_type='to').
Each delivery item is a dict obtained from one log message.
The dicts are consecutively updated (merged), except for the
raw log messages (texts) which are collected into a list.
The fields of the resulting delivery are filtered according
to the target table.
Returned is a dict mapping queue_ids (in case
of item_type=='from') or (queue_id, recipient)-pairs
(in case of item_type='to') to deliveries.
deliveries = {}
for group, items in delivery_items.items():
delivery = {}
messages = []
for item in items:
message = item.pop('message')
identifier = item.pop('identifier')
pid = item.pop('pid')
messages.append(f'{identifier}[{pid}]: {message}')
delivery['messages'] = messages
deliveries[group] = delivery
return deliveries
def _store_deliveries(
cursor: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor,
table_name: str,
deliveries: Dict[Any, dict],
debug: List[str] = [],
) -> None:
Store grouped and merged delivery items.
if not deliveries:
n = len(deliveries.values())
t0 = time.time()
_store_deliveries_batch(cursor, table_name, deliveries.values())
t1 = time.time()
if 'all' in debug or 'sql' in debug:
milliseconds = (t1 - t0) * 1000
'*' * 10,
f'SQL transaction time {table_name}: '
f'{milliseconds:.2f} ms ({n} deliveries)',
def _store_deliveries_batch(
cursor: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor,
table_name: str,
deliveries: Iterable[dict]
) -> None:
Store *deliveries* (i.e., grouped and merged delivery items).
We use a prepared statement and execute_batch() from
psycopg2.extras to improve performance.
rows = []
for delivery in deliveries:
# get values for all fields of the table
field_values: List[Any] = []
t = delivery.get('t')
delivery['t_i'] = t
delivery['t_f'] = t
for field in table_fields[table_name]:
if field in delivery:
if field == 'messages':
sql = get_sql_execute_prepared_statement(table_name)
psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(cursor, sql, rows)
except Exception as err:
msg = f'SQL statement failed: "{sql}" -- the values were: {rows}'
journal.send(msg, PRIORITY=journal.LOG_ERR)
def init_db(config: dict) -> Optional[str]:
Initialize database; if ok return DSN, else None.
Try to get parameters for database access,
check existence of tables and possibly create them.
dsn = _get_dsn(config)
if dsn:
ok = _create_tables(dsn)
if not ok:
return None
return dsn
def _get_dsn(config: dict) -> Optional[str]:
Return the DSN (data source name) from the *config*.
postgresql_config = config['postgresql']
hostname = postgresql_config['hostname']
port = postgresql_config['port']
database = postgresql_config['database']
username = postgresql_config['username']
password = postgresql_config['password']
except Exception:
msg = f"""ERROR: invalid config in {settings.main_config_file}
The config file must contain a section like this:
hostname: <HOSTNAME_OR_IP>
port: <PORT>
database: <DATABASE_NAME>
username: <USERNAME>
password: <PASSWORD>
journal.send(msg, PRIORITY=journal.LOG_CRIT)
return None
dsn = f'host={hostname} port={port} dbname={database} '\
f'user={username} password={password}'
return dsn
def _create_tables(dsn: str) -> bool:
Check existence of tables and possibly create them, returning success.
with psycopg2.connect(dsn) as conn:
with conn.cursor() as curs:
for table_name, sql_stmts in get_create_table_stmts().items():
ok = _create_table(curs, table_name, sql_stmts)
if not ok:
return False
except Exception:
f'ERROR: cannot connect to database, check params'
f' in {settings.main_config_file}',
return False
return True
def _create_table(
cursor: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor,
table_name: str,
sql_stmts: List[str]
) -> bool:
Try to create a table if it does not exist and return whether it exists.
If creation failed, emit an error to the journal.
cursor.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM "
"information_schema.tables WHERE table_name=%s)",
table_exists = cursor.fetchone()[0]
if not table_exists:
for sql_stmt in sql_stmts:
except Exception:
'ERROR: database user needs privilege to create tables.\n'
'Alternatively, you can create the table manually like'
' this:\n\n'
+ '\n'.join([sql + ';' for sql in sql_stmts]),
return False
return True
def init_session(cursor: psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) -> None:
Init a database session.
Define prepared statements.
stmt = get_sql_prepared_statement('delivery_from')
stmt = get_sql_prepared_statement('delivery_to')
stmt = get_sql_prepared_statement('noqueue')