## Setup dev environment 1. You need python 3.9 or later. 1. Have pipenv installed, e.g. like this: Install pip3, e.g. with `apt install python3-pip`. Then `pip3 install --user pipenv` 1. Clone the repo and setup a virtualenv: ``` cd YOUR_DEV_DIR git clone ssh://gitea@gitea-ssh.multiname.org:20106/a-text/atextcrawler.git cd atextcrawler pipenv install -d ``` ## Configure the instance See [installation](installation.md). ## Run ``` python -m atextcrawler ``` ## Logging Use the configured instance_name (e.g. `atextcrawler_dev`) to select journal messages: ``` journalctl -ef SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=atextcrawler_dev ``` ## Upgrading Upgrade dev tools: ``` pre-commit autoupdate ``` ## Test and clean manually ``` AIOPGQ_POSTGRESQL="host= port=5432 database=atextcrawler-dev user=atextcrawler-dev password=*************" python -W ignore -m unittest discover mypy --ignore-missing-imports src/atextcrawler isort src/atextcrawler black -S -t py37 -l 79 src/atextcrawler pybetter --exclude B004,B007,B008 src/atextcrawler interrogate -i -I -m -v src/atextcrawler ``` ## Release There are no releases (currently). ## Useful commands ### Fetch a resource or a site manually ``` python -m atextcrawler.resource https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/ python -m atextcrawler.site https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/ ``` ### SQL ``` drop table crawl; drop table site_path; drop table resource; drop table site cascade; drop table site_feed; drop table site_link; drop table site_queue; drop table kvs; http -j --auth elastic:*********************** -j DELETE* http -j --auth elastic:*********************** -j GET -- stats: sites, paths, resources select s.id site_id, s.base_url, spr.n_paths, spr.n_resources, spr.n_chars from site s left join (select sp.site_id, count(sp.path) n_paths, count(r.id) n_resources, sum(r.text_len) n_chars from site_path sp left join resource r on sp.resource_id=r.id group by sp.site_id) spr on spr.site_id=s.id where s.relevant order by s.id; ```